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Brownie's Pet Boutique
Unveiling Our Pet-Passionate Journey: The Heartwarming Story Behind the Best Pet Store in Marin County. Brownie's Pet Boutique is the dream of a young Chilean couple that left everything behind to move into the US to open this store in the charming Larkspur downtown.   After a careful research that includes visiting the best well known Pet Boutiques in the US and assisting to the world biggest Pet Industry Expositions, Brownie's Pet Boutique opened their doors on March 18th 2023.   All our products are carefully studied and selected ensuring we only have the tastiest natural treats, high quality food and local craft made accessories like collars, leashes and more!  We work to ensure we offer our customers the close knit community feeling that characterizes Marin County.  Come to visit us with your doggie & family to meet Brownie, the store owner. Our inspiration to open this beautiful store in this amazing place.