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Refill Mercantile
The Refill Mercantile Journey Welcome to Refill Mercantile!! So happy you are here on this low waste journey with us! Remember the days when our parents reused everything until it wasn't reusable anymore? My mom would reuse plastic sandwich bags, containers food came in, I wore hand-me-down clothes from cousins and she made a lot of my clothes until got curves. This was also about the time when she went back to work. Enter TV dinners with all kinds of waste and nothing reusable. This was the late 1980's early 1990's. The age of my friends moms and mine going to work and us kids getting take out or prepared meals. This was also about the time when plastic bottles became a real thing. And we just tossed them! I cringe thinking back to the change but if we knew then what we know now, would things be different? Convenience took over so we could have that short amount of family time that was leftover from working and commuting. Convenience is key! Being a single mom then living... More